i-CREATe 2020
Call for Abstract
Deadline Extension Notice
On behalf of the Organizing committee, we cordially invite you to submit an abstract before 30 September to the 2020 International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology (i-CREATe 2020), to be held in the form of virtual conference during 1-7 December, 2020 at Taipei City, Taiwan.
i-CREATe 2020 will provide a great opportunity for practitioners, scientists, engineers, clinicians, and professors from all over the world to present the latest system design concepts, research results, developments and applications with pre-recorded videos, as well as to facilitate interactive remote information exchanges among all the participated scholars and practitioners. Given by world renowned scholars, i-CREATe 2020 will feature keynote and plenary speeches in emerging technologies.
Submitted papers will be subject to a review process, and all the accepted abstracts will be notified around 15 October 2020.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 September 2020
Notification of Acceptance: 15 October 2020
gSIC Registration Deadline:30 September 2020
Early-bird Registration Deadline: 7 October 2020
Conference Dates: 1-7 December 2020
Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website.
Should you have any queries, concerns, or suggestions please send an email to: icreate2020.tw@gmail.com
We welcome your participation and hope that you will join the i-CREATe 2020.
i-CREATe 2020 Organizing Committee