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中興大學醫工所將於12月09日舉辦「Seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications in Biomedical Engineering」,敬請踴躍報名參加!
演講學者:馬來西亞工藝大學(UTM) Prof. Kahar Bin Osman, Dr. Muhammad Faiz Bin, 馬來西亞砂拉越大學(UMS)Mr. Rudiyanto Philman Jong
*遠距視訊(100人):線上網址: https://meet.google.com/gjy-hejc-zom。代碼輸入:gjy-hejc-zom
1. Common health problems in related to fluid flow in the human body
2. Fundamental theories related to flow modellings of the human body
3. Flow modelling analysis techniques Demonstrations of solutions will be shown.