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TREATS Meetings

[Society Activities] 2023 Membership Meeting and Academic Seminar
日期  2023-08-11     
On July 8th this year, the "2023 Taiwan Society of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Device Technology-Academic Seminar and Membership Meeting" jointly organized by this association and Chang Gung University, focused on the innovative application of assistive devices in rehabilitation engineering and assistive device technology. issue.
The part of the academic seminar is honored to invite outstanding domestic advanced scholars to give speeches and talks on the current situation and development of special ethnic groups and assistive device technology.​​
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(04)723-8595 #7037、0981-575-133
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彰化縣彰化市南校街135號 復健醫學部暨跌倒防治中心
Taiwan Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society